The MBAEA Speech Department is sharing great information about complexity and contrastive therapy approaches. #EveryDayatAEA
District preschool and AEA staff learning and collaborating to support Preschool Specially Designed Instruction! #EveryDayatAEA
This awesome group of Bettendorf Community School District staff is working to enhance social, emotional, and behavioral supports!
Agriculture staff from area districts and community colleges are here today learning and collaborating!
All 18 districts are here, set up, and ready to interview for their open positions. Come down and see us at our Bettendorf office...we're here until 5:30!
Our next virtual meeting is tomorrow! Widely published researcher, Shawn Datchuk, Ph.D. will be discussing writing instruction and writing intervention. See you there!
TODAY! Join us for the 2024 Teacher Job Fair from 4-5:30 p.m. at our Bettendorf office. We will have representatives from 18 area school districts interviewing for a variety of open positions.
Such a great asset to students, districts, and the MBAEA family!
Ready, set, go!
We love to hear student takeaways from MBAEA guided STEM/computer science projects! #EveryDayatAEA
Day two of this awesome Leadership Camp with Dr. Susan Etscheidt!
Led by Administrative Law Judge and UNI faculty member Dr. Susan Etscheidt, this two-day leadership camp provides the opportunity to learn with colleagues, sharing challenges and successes of the evaluation system focusing specifically on special education programs and personnel.
Great food for thought on share permissions in Google.
Check out February's Media's filled with great resources and time savers!
We love seeing all the ways AEAs impact Iowa students, educators, and families! #EveryDayatAEA
Do not miss our Annual Teacher Job Fair being held on Monday, February 26, 2024. This FREE event is being held at our Bettendorf Office from 4:00-5:30 pm! REGISTER NOW!
MBAEA offers dedicated Secondary Transition Specialists to support special education students, ages 14 and up, in preparation for living, learning, and working opportunities after high school! In addition to supporting students, Secondary Transition Specialists support professional development opportunities and coaching for teachers and districts on assessing current student skills to achieve postsecondary expectations. #EveryDayatAEA
Anne exudes positivity and greets everyone with a contagious smile!
MBAEA offices will be closed today, February 19th. We will reopen tomorrow at 7:30 am.
So many great AT resources in this newsletter. Check it out!